For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11

Monday, March 29, 2010

Some not so great news

I found out last Thursday that my house is scheduled to be auctioned off on April 22. Bank Of America claims they sent me a certified letter stating so, which the did not. I am currently working with an organization to try to stop the auction.

In a previous post I wrote about my house, and how I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep it. Now I don't know if this is God trying to tell me to let it go or what, but if it is, I would have liked to be the one to make the choice instaed of having it made for me. Even if I got to keep the house, it really has become too much. With all the work that needs to be done, and me travelling, its just a burden. So, I am going to try to sell it before auction. It is indeed a fixer upper, but I am asking a fairly low price for 5 rooms and in a greeat neighborhood.

I'd write more, but I am exhausted today, and my thoughts are not as clear as I'd like. For those who pray, please pray I get a quick sell, and find a nice home I can afford quickly. I will keep you all updated.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How God works things out...

    I travelled to Providence, RI last weekend for work. We were doing demos at the Home Show. I got to stay at the Providence Biltmore Hotel, which is absolutely beautiful. The old glass elevator is a historical landmark, so they had rebuilt the hotel around it. I have pictures but can't get them off my phone at the moment. I made decent money too, so that's a plus.

    Sometimes God has to hit me over the head with a brick to get me to see something. In my previous post, I asked if all this being away from home and being tired was worth it. But after talking to someone and thinking more, how could I have not seen what a huge blessing has fallen into my lap? All because of a divorce. If my husband had not left, I would not have taken this job.  I am gaining confidence, making good money, traveling, and meeting new people all the time. The fair season is coming up, and my boss has asked me specifically to travel with her to places like Minnesota. I've always wanted to see the rest of my country, but it was nothing but a pipe dream at one point. Now, it is a reality.

    I believe that God is restoring to me 'what the years of the locusts have eaten'. I never thought anything good would come out of my divorce. I must not be so quick to put God in a box.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What is this really costing me...

    I've been super busy on the road for work. I did a home show this past weekend and am leaving today to do another. My feet still hurt from the last one!! I really enjoy doing the shows, however I feel I may be sacrificing too much for the sole cause of making money.
    I have had to miss the last few weeks of church for the job, and will be missing it again this week. Due to my JRA, my feet are still swollen and sore from last weekend. So I wonder, is this worth it? Am I sacrificing my health and my relationship with God so I can make money? I'm not sure, but I do know I need to work so I can try to keep my house and pay my bills. Jobs are so scarce in my area, I have tried to find other work but to no avail. I really need some direction.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Albatross around my neck

   In my last post I wrote about trying to save my house. However there is a battle raging inside of me. In many ways, this house is 'the albatross around my neck'. You are probably wondering why I say that. 
   I grew up in this home, and let's just say for now I didn't have a happy childhood. I am an adult child of two raging alcoholics. They never took good care of this house. When I aquired it, I aquired the smoke stained, hole filled walls. My husband and I began to work on it, but as you read in my last post, I do not have the means to finish it. I am torn, because the house was a gift from my mom, who has since gone home to be with Jesus. But if you could see the mess this house was in, you would understand. 
    Even if I keep the home, I have no idea how long it would take to get the house in a condition where I am not ashamed to have guests over. Almost everything needs to be remodled, the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, etc. 
    I have thought about selling it. The house isn't worth much, and the mortgage isn't too high, and I could probably use the profit to buy a nice mobile home or pay rent for a while. 
    Another thing that has me torn is the neighborhood I live in. We are more like family than neighbors. We fix each others cars, watch each others dogs, help shovel the drives of each neighbor. Our kids have grown up together, too. I would be hard pressed to find another neighborhood like this one. 
    So I am praying for God's direction in all of this. It is a huge decision and not one I want to enter into lightly.